Programs, Past Meetings

XVII, Edinburgh, 2012: National styles and identity: scientific, technical and medical artefacts in a global context

SUNDAY, 7 October, National Museums Scotland

15:00-17:00 Registration and Tea/Coffee

15:30-17:00 Science, Technology & Medicine Tour of National Museum of Scotland

17:00-17:30 Welcome

17:30-19:00 Reception

MONDAY, 8 October

Registration open till noon

9:10-9:20 Gordon Rintoul (Director, National Musums Scotland): Welcome address

Session 1. Chair: Alison Morrison-Low (National Museums Scotland)

9:20-9:40 Robert Bud (Science Museum), "Making science as British as roast beef: Using stories and artefacts in the Victorian Britain" abstract

9:40-10:00 Alec Badenoch (Inventing Europe), "Transnationalizing artefacts? Lessons from Inventing Europe" abstract

10:00-10:20 Discussion

10.20-10:40 Dirk van Delft (Museum Boerhaave),"Museum Boerhaave: National artefacts telling international stories" abstract

10:40-11:00 Johannes-Geert Hagmann & Wilhelm Fuessl (Deutsches Museum), "Not for the living - the troubled history of Philipp Lenard’s scientific artefacts at the Deutsches Museum" abstract

11:00-11:20 Discussion

11.20-11.40 Benjamin Gross (Chemical Heritage Foundation), "Broadcasting the history of electronics: Finding local and global audiences for TCNJ's Sarnoff Collection" abstract

11:40-12:00 Elsa Davidson (National Museums Scotland), "Atomic artefacts: National perspectives on nuclear heritage" abstract

12:00-12:20 Heloise Finch-Boyer (National Maritime Museum, Scotland), "The Omega antenna: US achievement in the Cold War or a national symbol of French decolonization?" abstract

12:20-12:40 Discussion

12:40-13:40 Lunch

Session 2. Chair: Tim Boon (Science Museum)

13:40-14:00 Jessica Bradford (Science Museum), "The Rugby tuning coil: Recapturing an object’s ‘roots’" abstract

14:00-14:20 Frode Weium (Norsk Teknisk Museum), "From Solovox to Soloton: The assimilation of foreign music technology in Norway" abstract

14:20-14:40 Discussion

14:40-15:00 Panagiotis Poulopoulos (Deutsches Museum), "The multiple ‘sounds’ of a silent artefact: The guittar of Robert Burns" abstract

15.00-15:20 Albert Kümmel-Schnur (Universität Konstanz), "Alexander Bain – a Scottish inventor?" abstract

15:20-15:40 Boris Jardine (Science Museum), "'one vast headless society': Charles Piazzi Smyth and the material culture of anti-internationalism" abstract

15:40-16:00 Discussion

16:00-16:20 Break

16.20-16.40 Joan Smith (Edinburgh University), "Smugglerius’: Art and anatomy" abstract

16:40-17:00 Birgit Nemec (Universität Wien), "Social landscapes and political pmages. Visual cultures in Vienna, global networks and medico-anatomical artefacts as media of exchange" abstract

17:00-17:20 Karin Tybjerg, "The nation’s body and the body of science: Human remains in biobanks and museums" abstract

17:20-17:40 Discussion

17:40-19:00 Museum Updates

19:00-21:00 Buffet Dinner

TUESDAY, 9 October

Session 3. Chair: Lawrence Dritsas (University of Edinburgh)

9:00- 9:20 Charlotte Connelly (Science Museum), "Collecting and representing Cameroonian communications stories" abstract

9:20- 9:40 Carolyn Russo (Smithsonian, NASM), "Photographing a national collection: Artifact stories through the lens" abstract

9:40-10:00 Jennifer K. Levasseur (Smithsonian, NASM), "Camera as national icon" abstract

10:00-10:20 Discussion

10:20-10:40 James F. Stark (Leeds University), "The Overbeck rejuvenator: Made in Grimsby, used throughout the world" abstract

10:40-11:00 Jennifer Landry (Chemical Heritage Foundation)_, "Willard Libby and the Libby Shield" abstract

11:00-11:20 Discussion

11:20-11:40 Break

11:40-12:00 F. Robert van der Linden (Smithsonian, NASM), "National characteristics in aircraft construction: The World War II collection in the National Air and Space Museum" abstract

12:00-12:30 Alex M Spencer (Smithsonian, NASM), "Designed for flying: National approaches to personal flight equipment" abstract

12:20-12:40 Dorothy Cochrane (Smithsonian, NASM), "Re-engaging the public with artifacts: Presenting the survey flights of Charles and Anne Lindbergh" abstract

12:40-13.00 Discussion

13:00-14:00 Lunch

Session 4. Chair: Klaus Staubermann (National Museums Scotland)

14:00-14:20 Bettina Gundler (Deutsches Museum), "National car legends: Automobile, industry, and national identity reflected in the car collection of the Deutsches Museum" abstract

14:20-14:40 Thomas Schuetz (Universität Stuttgart), "The 'long case clock/ and the town museum of Stuttgart" abstract

14:40-15:00 Ad Maas & Tiemen Cocquyt (Museum Boerhaave), "The truth in a layer of clay: A replication of ‘s Gravesande’s vis viva experiment" abstract

15:00-15:20 Discussion

15:20-15:40 Break

Panel Discussion. Chair: Martin Collins (Smithsonian, NASM)

Panelists: Robert Bud (Science Museum), Ad Maas (Museum Boerhaave), Alexander Hayward (National Museums Scotland), Karen Tybjerg (Medical Museion)

16:30-17:00 Round Up and End of Conference