
The three founding sponsors have, by written agreement, indicated their desire to form this organization and to support its goals. Although no such commitment was made in the initiating document, each has in one way or aother contributed resources to its operation.

Founding Sponsors (contact person)

Deutsches Museum (Helmuth Trischler)
Science Museum (Robert Bud)
Smithsonian Institution (Bernard Finn)


These museums have indicated their desire to support the goals of Artefacts and, through their representatives, have supplied valuable advice. Several have hosted (or shortly will host) annual meetings.

The Bakken (Michael Sanders)
Canada Science and Technology Museum  
Harvard University Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments (David S.Unger)
Museo Galileo (Paolo Galluzzi)
Medicinsk Museion Kobenhavns Universitet (Ken Arnold)
MIT Museum (Debbie Douglas)
Musée des arts et Métiers  (Yves Winkin)
Museo Nazionale Scienza Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci (Laura Ronzon)
Museum Boerhaave (Dirk van Delft)
Národní Technické Museum Prague 
National Museum of Scotland (Sam Alberti)
Norsk Teknisk Museum (Hans Weinberger)
Országos Műszaki Múzeum Tanulmánytára
Science History Institute (Robert Anderson)
Technisches Museum Wien (Gabriele Zuna-Kratky)
Tekniska Museet, Stockholm 
Whipple Museum of the History of Science  (Liba Taub)

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